Lifelong Learning Programme

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The European project 'Anthropocene - Homodata à l’ère de l’Anthropocène' is funded by the European Commission through the French National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme. To prepare the European youth to new environment challenges brought about by two converging accelerations: an economic and a digital one, which are creating a new environment they need to be prepared to.

Anthropocene Digital Platform

The Anthropocene Digital Platform provides secondary school teachers and students with teaching and learning materials and tools to understand economic and digital acceleration and prepare the European youth to new environment challenges


The 'Homodata à l’ère de l’Anthropocène' project wants to help prepare young people to the new environment (economic and digital acceleration) allowing them to study how political, social and educational spheres address these challenges and to raise awareness in the educational sector.


Develop a digital platform where students can develop their knowledge about environment and big data, and teachers can learn how to teach students about these topics.


The main target groups of the project are:
- Secondary Education Students
- 12 to 20 year-old European people


The project makes available three main outputs:

A Study analysing how education systems address environmental and digital issues, particularly in curricula and related subjects

A teacher awareness/training tool based on different resources and activities supported by an e-learning platform created for this purpose

A toolbox with supports and work methods, using the e-learning platform further, to accompany young people towards awareness of their and humanity’s future and exploration of modalities of action, counter, alternative approaches

More info about the outputs

The Outputs are available within the Anthropocene Digital Platform



    - Contractual partners
    - Associated Schools
    - Associated Partners

Project Outputs

Information and Contacts
    - Brochure
    - Contacts
    - Latest News
    - Conferences
    - Press Reviews

Project Management
    - Project Description
    - Project Partnership
    - Intellectual Outputs
    - Project Results
    - Project Meetings
    - Work in progress
    - Dissemination
    - Exploitation
    - Download Area
    - Testimonials
    - Evaluation Area