Lifelong Learning Programme

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The Anthropocene project was presented in a number of events in order to report about the activities carried out and the results achieved.

Conférence finale du projet (E1)

Date: 27 Jan 2022
Location: Online

The event was held online on 27 January 2022. 75 participants participated in the event, among which Teachers, Experts, Students.
Teachers of all disciplines (literary, scientific, economic, technological) and all levels (middle and high school) - also Teachers who responded to the first questionnaires in different schools for IO1 - and teachers from different schools who tested the platform with students.
The event started with the welcome of the participants and conference by Jean-Marc Petit, general delegate of RenaSup and economist: the role of the school in a world marked by a double acceleration, environmental acceleration and digital acceleration. Preparing young people for the birth of a new era, the Anthropocene and for a digital world.

In the second stage, the3 Intellectual Outputs were presented.
• IO1: a report on teaching practices in the different levels of schooling with teachers and students from the 4 countries of the project
• IO2: the establishment of a training portal with scientific capsules of experts and proposals for further study
• IO3: implementation of teaching aids and resources to equip teachers to work with students.
After the presentation of the project results, an exchange with two classes took place (one in terminal and one in second) on environmental and digital issues, between students and teachers. Students had the possibility to ask specific questions on the main topics of the project to teachers to start a discussion.

Subsequently the discussion between students and teachers, Inforef presented the project platform and its functionalities to the participants.

In conclusion, the strong point of the event was the participation of students and teachers who are the users of the training platform. The comments we have already received reinforce our idea that the analyzes and productions meet the challenge posted by the transformation of our environment and the need to prepare young people for the new world that awaits them.

Anthropocene - Prepare the European youth to new environment challenges Dissemination Event (E5)

Date: 7 Jan 2022
Location: Iasi, Romania

The Multiplier Event has been organised on the 7th of January 2022. In total the events gathered 49 local participants from outside the Anthropocene project partnership.
The aim of the event, concerning the involvement of target group, was to bring together staff members from the academic sector, schools and educational centers to share their experiences in the field of environmental challenges and to become aware of the products developed within the Anthropocene project and further make use of them in their educational contexts.
The participants are:
44 teachers and educational staff from 17 different schools, 3 universities, 7 educational centers
5 staff representatives of companies supporting the environmental education in schools
All the participants are working in the education sector, and their registrations for participation in the Multiplier event, have been accepted based on their interest in increasing their knowledge and competences in how to approach the topics of digital and environmental acceleration in the school education context, on one side; and on the other side, the aim of the event, was also to create a hub of institutions in interest, to cooperate in coping the environmental challenges for the benefits of the school education sector.

The event on the 7th included a presentation and invitation for debate on the image of the environment challenges in the EU context. The most essential aspects were raised and were aiming at impacting the participants. From this perspective, the event moved to a presentation on the image of the environment challenges in the school context, as the aim of the Anthropocene project is to influence the school sector. Participants discussed about the level of the knowledge transferred to the students and about the average of classes and hours, the students are confronting with these issues in the school context.
The 'Homodata à l’ère de l’Anthropocène' project was presented, along with a presentation on the website on the overview of the Anthropocene Digital Platform. Teachers were invited to register to the platform and make use of the resources available.
The event included the presentation of the findings of the Research on the situation in Europe; the presentation of the awareness strategy / teacher training and the resources for teachers and teacher-student workspace
The event was an opportunity to bring together teachers and representatives of educational centers and raise their awareness on the importance of introducing the education on the topic of digital and environmental acceleration in their daily teaching activities with students and youths.

The events ended with the Conclusions and evaluation, feedback collection. The presenters highlighted the most important aspects about the need to continue to use the Anthropocene platform and how important and useful are the resources created for the present and future teaching-learning process on the topics of digital and environmental acceleration education.

Anthropocene - Prepare the European youth to new environment challenges Dissemination Event (E2)

Date: 5 Jan 2022
Location: Iasi, Romania

The Multiplier Event has been organised on the 5th of January. In total the events gathered 12 local participants from outside the Anthropocene project partnership.
The aim of the event, concerning the involvement of target group, was to bring together staff members from the academic sector, schools and educational centers to share their experiences in the field of environmental challenges and to become aware of the products developed within the Anthropocene project and further make use of them in their educational contexts.
The participants are:
44 teachers and educational staff from 17 different schools, 3 universities, 7 educational centers
5 staff representatives of companies supporting the environmental education in schools
All the participants are working in the education sector, and their registrations for participation in the Multiplier event, have been accepted based on their interest in increasing their knowledge and competences in how to approach the topics of digital and environmental acceleration in the school education context, on one side; and on the other side, the aim of the event, was also to create a hub of institutions in interest, to cooperate in coping the environmental challenges for the benefits of the school education sector.

The event on the 5th included:
Introduction of the event and the opportunity to present the participants and their role in the Anthropocene project, the partnership EuroEd and their represented institutions have been highlighted.
The project Anthropocene was presented, including the aims, activities, target group, main issues raised by the project, especially in the local context. Discussions about the ecological and digital acceleration education situation in schools were held. The presentation of the project focused also on presenting the Anthropocene Digital Platform, with all the intellectual outputs of the project and their findings: Research on the situation in Europe. Teacher training. Teachers and teacher-student workspace.
The most essential part of the event was to organise a practical workshop for the participants (also taking into account the fact that the number of participants was smaller and practical activities could happen) for their familiarization with the platform. Participants created accounts on the platform and navigated to understand the axes of the platform and some of the video materials were visualised.
The event was also an opportunity for representatives of companies to discuss their involvement in supporting the school sector for a better understanding and awareness of the issues and challenges of digital and environmental acceleration.

The events ended with the Conclusions and evaluation, feedback collection. The presenters highlighted the most important aspects of the need to continue using the Anthropocene platform and how important and useful the resources created for the present and future teaching-learning process on digital and environmental acceleration education.

Anthropocène et Big Data: Des outils pour vous et vos élèves! (E3)

Date: 4 Sep 2016
Location: Online

The Multiplier Event was held as a meeting online through Microsoft TEAMS. Two teachers who were actively involved in the production of the material participated in the presentation of the IO1, IO2 and IO3 (Emmanuel Siquet and Grégory Voz).

During the event, the Intellectual Outputs were presented with the results achieved by the partners.

The participants viewed the project and discovered IO2 with two different videos and a quiz.
Moreover, the participants had the possibility to try out the tools proposed in IO3.

After the presentation of the Intellectual Outputs, participants discussed the possibilities to use this in the classroom and in the vocational education perspective.

Professionals of some institutions (StatBel, Média Animation, CONSORTIUM SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALES, PHILOSOPHIE, CITOYENNETÉ) who produce some tools for teachers also gave some feedback about the tools and their utility and relevant aspects.

In the end, an oral assessment gave good results and also the desire to do more co-working in the future.



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    - Evaluation Area