Lifelong Learning Programme

The European Commission support for the production of this document does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Description

The Context

Never a generation had been entrusted with such complex, extended challenge. Young people are facing crucial issues regarding their future and the planet’s, as a living space for people. This generation was born in a world of technologies, of commonplace data collection, without always access to tools for distancing, particularly with respect to marketing or social media, with all the risks and misuses that we know, starting with fake news. Indeed, our era is characterised by an acceleration observed in multiple areas related to technical mutations. Among those accelerations, we can point out two that present opportunities, threats and challenges, and revolutionise the environment in which our youth is developing:

  • An ecologic one that has prompted some to talk about a change of age, calling it “Anthropocene”, considering that the influence of human beings on their environment has reached such a level that it is now similar to a geological force.
  • A digital one that has brought the notion of “homo data”.


The Anthropocene project aims at preparing the European youth to new environment challenges brought about by two converging accelerations: an economic and a digital one, which are creating a new environment they need to be prepared to.

Therefore, the project aims to help prepare young people to the new environment awaiting them, in three steps:

  • Studying how political, societal and educational spheres address these challenges;
  • Raising awareness in the educational sector
  • Offering resources to make teachers work easier and more optimal in a logic of European transferability


The main target groups of the project are:

  • 12 to 20 years old European people
  • Teachers
  • Policy Makers in the Field of Education


The project activities will be organized in the following phases:

Phase 1 – Study on the situation in Europe

This phase is devoted to carry out a study to determine how education systems address environment and digital issues, particularly in curricula and related subjects.

Phase 2 – Teachers’ e-learning platform

This phase consists in the implementation of a teacher awareness/training tool based on different resources and activities supported by an e-learning platform created for this purpose.

Phase 3 –Teachers’ toolkit

This phase consists in a toolbox with supports and work methods, using the e-learning platform further, to accompany young people towards awareness of their and humanity’s future and exploration of modalities of action, counter, alternative approaches.

Phase 4 – Training activity

A training course involving 18 participants from the partners’ countries is organized by Centre National de Formation de l’Enseignement Technique Privé in order to: promote the use of the intellectual outputs; provide the end users with the competences and information concerning the theme of double acceleration digital and environmental.

Phase 5 - Multiplier events

A number of multiplier events will be organized to disseminate the results reached, the methodology implemented and output produced in the Anthropocene project. The participants in the multiplier events will be University medical lecturers and students.

Expected Results

The main project deliverables include:

  • Study on the situation in Europe
  • Teachers’ e-learning platform
  • Teachers’ toolkit



    - Contractual partners
    - Associated Schools
    - Associated Partners

Project Outputs

Information and Contacts
    - Brochure
    - Contacts
    - Latest News
    - Conferences
    - Press Reviews

Project Management
    - Project Description
    - Project Partnership
    - Intellectual Outputs
    - Project Results
    - Project Meetings
    - Work in progress
    - Dissemination
    - Exploitation
    - Download Area
    - Testimonials
    - Evaluation Area