Lifelong Learning Programme

The European Commission support for the production of this document does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Intellectual Outputs

The Intellectual Outputs produced by the Anthropocene project are:

IO1 - Study on the situation in Europe

The first Intellectual Output consists in a study to determine how education systems address environmental and digital issues, particularly in official curricula and related subjects, and if, how and to what extent teachers and students are satisfied with the situation.
The transnational study is based on the national reports created in order to present the data collected in each country through direct interviews with teachers and students.

Transnational Report
National Reports

The results of the Study are also presented in an interactive way on the Anthropocene Platform

IO2 - Teachers e-learning platform

The second Intellectual Output of the project consists in a digital based and interactive tools designed for secondary school teachers in order to raise their awareness / and train them with reference to the two main thematic areas related to the Anthropocene Era:

The Platform provides teacher with an easy access to resources specifically produced by experts to help them have a better scientific understanding of topics related to digital and environmental accelerations. The concepts of Anthropocene and big data, their threats and opportunities, are presented, deciphered, and put in perspective.

Each thematic area is organised in different three Chapters and each Chapter in different Modules. The contents are provided in a user friendly approach with clear and condensed introductory texts accompanying video lessons delivered by experts in the field.

External links are provided to in depth the contents and an interactive final test is accessible to self evaluate the competences acquired.

The e-learning platform is accessible for free at registration to the Portal is requested.The contents are available in English, French, Italian and Romanian.

IO3 - Teachers Toolkit

The third Intellectual Output takes the form of a comprehensive and easy to use toolbox giving access to teachers and students to a collection of work methods, lesson plans, teaching and learning tools to be used in order to accompany young people towards in raising their awareness of their and humanity's future and in exploring of modalities of action, counter, alternative approaches to shape the future.

Reflecting the structure adopted by the project the contents are organised in two thematic areas:

Also a Student workplace .is available providing further digital based tool to be used to raise their interest and involve them in practical use of their knowledge.

The toolkit is accessible for free at registration to the Portal is requested. The contents are available in English, French, Italian and Romanian.



    - Contractual partners
    - Associated Schools
    - Associated Partners

Project Outputs

Information and Contacts
    - Brochure
    - Contacts
    - Latest News
    - Conferences
    - Press Reviews

Project Management
    - Project Description
    - Project Partnership
    - Intellectual Outputs
    - Project Results
    - Project Meetings
    - Work in progress
    - Dissemination
    - Exploitation
    - Download Area
    - Testimonials
    - Evaluation Area